Duration: 2 hours, 5 days a week
Facilitator–Student ratio: 1:5
As your toddler takes his first steps towards formal schooling, we are there to make sure that the transition is a pleasant and enjoyable one. At this age, our focus is on emotional and social development. For our Playgroup section, our educators employ the Play Way methodology.
The Play Way method emphasises the importance of real-world interactions and the immediate environment of the child in learning. For example, if we’re teaching children their numbers, we don’t just recite them; we write them in air or sooji, the teacher guiding the child while the child traces the numeral. To teach them colours, we have ‘colour days’ where everyone dresses in one particular colour. We conduct yoga and physical activity for their well-being. We explain the community helpers by bringing – veterinarians, firemen, traffic control cops, bakers, the neighborhood juicewallah even! Our children especially enjoy our policy of using festivals and celebrations to connect the curriculum to what the children observe and experience in their daily lives.