Women make up an increasing percentage of the corporate workforce. A company that values this segment cannot afford to ignore the single most pressing concern for most of these women – a safe, nurturing environment where their little ones can learn and play during Mummy’s working hours.

We offer the following day care engagement models for corporates:

  1. Onsite facilities: You can set up a centre at your offices and we shall operate it as we do our other centres. The timings, staffing requirements etc. can be personalised as per your requirements.
  2. Near-site non-exclusive facility: We set up a centre near your office premises, with the majority of seats blocked for your employees. The rest of the seats will be offered to other corporates/direct admissions.
  3. Blocking seats across various centres: Employees choose the HMI centre that is most convenient for them, while the corporate underwrites seats across all centres in favour of their employees.

For all corporate enquiries, please contact us at 9870012162 or email us at contact@thehappyminds.com.